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Time for Loving Resistance

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 12:15-1:15 p.m.

Register by Wednesday, February 5
Klingenstein Browsing Room

A recurring theme of academic life is a sense of time scarcity. We are in the belly of grind cultures that demand a lot of us across scholarship, teaching, and service. Most of us got to where we are because of the love of our discipline combined with an intense work ethic to avoid fear and failure. But what if what got us here is different from what will help us sustainably create what’s next for us, individually and collectively? Whether micro-procrastination or wider-scale protest, resistance to the tasks and circumstances around us not only signals “what’s wrong” but can point us toward our most cherished values. In this workshop we will take a new approach to working with two key forms of resistance—handling fear and failure, and managing how we relate to ourselves—for shifting toward time abundance.

Facilitated by Benita Jackson, Professor of Psychology and Faculty Wellness Fellow