Lia Jacobs ’24

Other clubs, sports, activities:
I am on the Hell’s Belles fencing team. I also have a radio show with WOZQ and am the president of MISC.
Did you ever have trouble deciding on a major? What, ultimately, helped you decide?
I’ve always known that I wanted to major in environmental science. Growing up, I spent a lot of time in nature, going on hikes with my family every weekend. I grew to really appreciate nature and once I learned more about climate change, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life fighting for this cause.
What is one preconception about your major that people often get wrong?
That we all do science! Some people in the major do, but since there is so much work to be done regarding the environment, we get to choose what aspect we want to focus on. My focus is on environmental justice, which centers around working with communities disproportionately affected by climate change. While I love being outdoors, being able to connect with other people and learn about their experiences with global warming renews my hope that communities have the power to enact significant change. I actually haven’t even stepped foot in a lab since my first year.
Where is your favorite spot on campus?
Head over to Hillyer [Art Library] atrium, and on your way to the library, follow the stairs towards the art store. If you turn the corner, you’ll find couches and me, either doing homework, eating my Compass lunch, or taking a nap.
Being able to connect with other people, and learn about their experiences with global warming, renews my hope that communities have the power to enact significant change.
Looking ahead to a decade (or two) from now, what's something you'd like to have achieved?
Within the next two decades, I would love to be able to travel to every continent, including Antarctica!
What was most interesting or unique about your house and what will you miss about it?
Before I moved off-campus, I lived in Wilson. My first Mountain Day on campus, I got a chance to ring the bell announcing that it was Mountain Day.
What do you think has been the most “Smithie” thing you’ve done in life so far?
Probably bleaching my hair so much it fell out.
What’s your all-time (big or small) favorite Smith memory?
Last year, the fencing team traveled to Indiana on a 17-hour train ride for our club's nationals tournament. On our first night, we got a tornado warning and the 12 of us had to huddle in the kitchen because our Airbnb had no basement. Despite getting little sleep due to our travel and tornado experience, we got fourth place overall! It was a really fun experience and brought me a lot closer to my teammates.
Where would you travel if you could go anywhere and stay for a week?
I would love to travel to Iceland, it’s always been a dream of mine to see the Northern Lights.