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Common Goods Resource Center

Looking for a winter jacket, sheets, toiletries, or other essentials? Need funds to travel home? Have an unexpected medical cost? At Smith, we strive to provide dignified access to resources for students who find themselves in need. The Common Goods Resource Center offers centralized material and funding resources, and a consolidated list of offices and organizations that students can turn to for support.

I’m Looking for ... Material Resources

About the Common Goods Store

Common Goods provides material resources, both new and gently used through Smithcycle, for students who otherwise may not have access to them. Available resources include winter gear, toiletries, cleaning products, linens, room essentials and a small array of food products.

Visit Common Goods in Campus Center 206, or use the PantrySoft platform to place an order online.

Order Online

After completing your registration on the PantrySoft platform, you can schedule a pick-up at the Common Goods store.

Order from Common Goods

Common Goods Open Hours

Common Goods hours can be found on PantrySoft. Students must place their order online and choose the time that they will be picking up. Walk-in orders will no longer be accepted.

If you have any are questions, please email All end of year donations should be made through Smithcycle.

I’m Looking for... Financial Assistance

Academic & Emergency Assistance

The Smith Social Network is your first stop to check for available funds, described in detail when you log in. To apply for funds, there are two applications. The Academic Funding Application lets you apply once for funds from various offices. Funds can be for textbook assistance, graduation clothing, travel, research projects, art supplies and more. The Emergency Funding Application lets you apply once for funds from multiple offices. The offices work together to review applications and meet your needs as quickly as possible. You can also check out the resources mentioned below in “Additional Support Services.”

To apply, log in to the Smith Social Network and click on the “Forms” tab at the top. Your information is confidential.

I’m Looking for ... Additional Support

Learn more about other resources on and off campus to help when you have material or financial needs.

Primary Points of Contact for Funds

Please remember to first check the Smith Social Network, which offers one place to access the majority of available funds. A few resources not listed on the Smith Social Network can be found on the following two sites:

The Dean of the College

The Dean of the College offers descriptions of all available funds, including ones for Ada Comstock Scholars and specific funds by office that are not included on the two applications on the Smith Social Network. Review the tabs on the Financial Assistance by Office webpage

The Smith Students’ Aid Society

The Smith Students’ Aid Society offers various grants to students in need. Most of these grants can be applied for through the Smith Social Network, but a few funds require a different application: Interterm & Spring Break Opportunities, Summer Study and Beyond Smith.

Can’t find what you need at the Common Goods store? There are a few other resources to check.

This listing is not intended to be all-inclusive, and it does not imply an endorsement by Smith College.

Community Action Pioneer Valley
Provides information about resources in the area, with staff available to help you find ways to meet specific basic needs.

Northampton Survival Center
Operates two food banks and has a list of further community resources on their website.

Contact Common Goods Resource Center

Campus Center 206