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SOFA Cushion Fund for Students

The Smith Office for the Arts (SOFA) is excited to accept Cushion Fund applications from Smith College students, groups of students, and student organizations to support arts-based projects and programs. The SOFA Cushion Fund aims to be a resource for elevating the role the arts can play within the campus landscape. SOFA aims to provide more resources and opportunities for students in curricular, co-curricular and informal arts participation. Through these new projects and programs, SOFA hopes to strengthen the presence and visibility of the arts and artists at Smith, providing the capacity to deepen the impact of the arts on campus and in the community.

The spring 2025 deadline is March 14.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the SOFA Cushion Fund?
The SOFA Cushion Fund is a grant fund offered by the Smith Office for the Arts (SOFA) which supports arts-related projects that enhance the creative culture at Smith College. It welcomes innovative, community-driven, and interdisciplinary projects. Funding is granted for a wide range of creative pursuits that engage Smith community members in the arts. SOFA encourages applicants to consider how their proposal will contribute to the public dialogue around the arts at Smith. Projects should embrace the college priorities of diversity, equity & inclusion, a vibrant academic experience, and community engagement.

Do I need to major in the arts (art, dance, film and media studies, music, theatre) to apply or take a class to apply?
No. Any registered Smith student can apply.

Who is eligible to apply?
Current Smith College students can apply. Collaborative projects are encouraged. Applicants must:

  • Be in good standing at Smith College.
  • Complete necessary paperwork for payments.
  • Ensure the primary applicant remains in residence during the project.
  • Applicants who have not received funding from the SOFA Cushion Fund previously will be given preference.

What is the difference between student organizations and groups of students?
Both student organizations and groups of students are eligible to apply for the SOFA Cushion Fund. The key distinctions are:

  • Student Organizations: Chartered with the Office of Student Engagement (OSE).
    • Non-chartered organizations are still eligible for the cushion fund, though they do not receive support from OSE.
  • Groups of Students: Consist of two or more students working together on a project.

Student organizations (chartered or not) and groups of students may also include participants from the Five Colleges, as long as the primary applicant is a Smith student in good standing.

Student Organizations that are not currently chartered are still eligible to apply for the SOFA Cushion Fund, as long as the members applying meet all other eligibility requirements.

What types of projects are eligible?
Eligible projects include creative, research, or performance-based initiatives in dance, theater, music, film, visual arts, or other art forms. Projects should demonstrate campus or community impact and may include experimental media, public engagement, or interdisciplinary collaboration. We imagine these grants will be given across artistic disciplines to foster a broad and rich community of artmaking and programming that involves students of all backgrounds, majors, and levels of accomplishment.

Examples include:

  • A house trip to see a performance or exhibition,
  • Inviting a local artist to teach a workshop,
  • Supplies to mount a pop-up exhibition,
  • Renting a space to record, perform or film something,
  • Renting equipment,
  • Hiring professional production assistance.

What projects are not eligible?
Funding is not available for:

  • Food or refreshments
  • Equipment purchases
  • Debt repayment or profit-generating activities
    • Chartered Student Organizations should ensure that their org account is not in debt before receiving any awarded funds.
  • Retroactive projects (already completed)
  • Individual or group travel expenses, or attending a conference
  • Peer-to-peer payments
  • Proposals by students for projects required for coursework and degree requirements cannot be considered
    • Independent Studies Projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Photography or videography of your project unless the documentation is integral to the project itself.
  • Reimbursing for individual tickets to off campus events
    • Group ticket requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Internships: Cushion Funds cannot be used to pay for/supplement internships

How much funding can I request?
Funding is offered in three tiers:

  • Rapid Response Grants (Up to $500): For small-scale projects or materials.
  • Medium-Scale Grants ($500 –$2,000): For workshops or larger events.
  • Large-Scale Grants ($2,000–$5,000): For ambitious, cross-disciplinary, or community-based projects.

When are applications due?
Funding is bi-annual, with deadlines in Fall and Spring. Rapid Response Grants are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.

How do I apply?
Students and Student Organizations Application

  • Project description (up to 1,000 words).
  • Community Impact Statement (up to 300 words).
  • Project End and Start Dates (if applicable).
  • Budget breakdown using the provided template.
  • Supporting materials, if applicable.

What are the requirements for grant recipients?
Recipients must:

  • Submit a report (500 words) within one month of project completion.
  • Students must also submit a midway progress report (250 words) before completion.
  • Include SmithArts logos and SOFA Cushion Fund in promotional materials.
  • Participate in a public presentation or showcase if applicable.

Can I modify my project after receiving funding?
Major changes require approval from SOFA to ensure they align with grant goals.

Can SOFA help me with mentorship?
First-time applicants may be paired with experienced faculty or student mentors to guide their process.

How is SOFA promoting funded projects?
Projects may be featured in SOFA programming, department newsletters, and social media.

What if my project continues beyond initial funding?
Include a sustainability plan in your application detailing how you will secure future support.

What other sources of funding should I consider for my project?
There are a wide variety of funding sources available to students, faculty and staff. 

Other Potential Funding Sources

The following is a list of funding sources that those engaging in creative or performative projects may wish to pursue in addition to applying for the SOFA Cushion Fund. This is not a comprehensive list of all funding on campus, and is focused specifically on funds that may be relevant to students, faculty, and staff, seeking funding for arts-based and creative projects.

For a complete list, check out the 2024–25 Available Funding Grid.

SSAS “Fine Arts Supplies” Fund
The Smith Students’ Aid Society provides Fine Arts Supplies grants to all Smith students in financial need and enrolled in a qualifying fine arts course (art, dance, music, film studies, or theater). No subsidies for 100 level classes. Use the Academic Funding Application on the Smith Social Network (you must be signed in to access the form).

SSAS Beyond Smith
The Smith Students’ Aid Society offers Smith seniors in financial need one-time grants of up to $400 to assist with unreimbursed costs and fees for interview travel and clothing, graduate and professional school applications, required entrance exams, the Alumnae Consortium Program and fine arts portfolios. Use the Academic Funding Application on the Smith Social Network (you must be signed in to access the form).

Fine Arts Fund
Fine Arts Funding may be used for performance fees or technical support, but may not be used for food, hospitality needs, travel fees or accommodations for a fine arts event. Fine arts funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. The fine arts fund will reimburse the costs of hosting a fine arts program, not to exceed $250. Use the Fine Arts Funding Request Form on the Smith Social Network (you must be signed in to access the form).

Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Projects related to religion, ethics or community or public service, may want to consider applying to the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. Use the Universal Conference Fund Form on the Smith Social Network.

Conway Center’s Student Project Scholarship Fund
The Jill Ker Conway Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is pleased to announce the pilot of a Student Project Scholarship Fund. The fund will support students interested in supplementing their entrepreneurial or business education course studies or furthering the development of exploration and experimentation with a value creation entity. Scholarships can be used for research projects, business venture support, course-related activity or conference attendance.